import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

const novu = new Novu('<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>');

await novu.layouts.delete("layoutId");

  "204": "The layout has been deleted correctly",
  "404": "The layout with the layoutId provided does not exist in the database so it can not be deleted.",
  "409": "Either you are trying to delete a layout that is being used or a layout that is the default in the environment."

Enter your API key in the Authorization field like the example shown below:

E.g ApiKey 18d2e625f05d80e

import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

const novu = new Novu('<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>');

await novu.layouts.delete("layoutId");

  "204": "The layout has been deleted correctly",
  "404": "The layout with the layoutId provided does not exist in the database so it can not be deleted.",
  "409": "Either you are trying to delete a layout that is being used or a layout that is the default in the environment."