import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

const novu = new Novu('<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>');

await novu.layouts.setDefault("layoutId");

    204: "The selected layout has been set as the default for the environment."

    404: "The layout with the layoutId provided does not exist in the database so it can not be set as the default for the environment."

Enter your API key in the Authorization field like the example shown below:

E.g ApiKey 18d2e625f05d80e

import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

const novu = new Novu('<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>');

await novu.layouts.setDefault("layoutId");

    204: "The selected layout has been set as the default for the environment."

    404: "The layout with the layoutId provided does not exist in the database so it can not be set as the default for the environment."